About Mesg

Hi, I’m an Expat wife who is living as a 1950’s housewife or as I like to call myself a “house princess”, overseas with my awesome husband who drags me all over the world.   Stepping out of my comfort zone, I’ll share some of my travel adventures, travel planning, and tips.


I have learned in the last few years that life is way too short and you must put yourself out there and enjoy life.  That motto is a lot easier to say than do.  Let me share with you in the coming weeks how a quiet expat wife goes out of her comfort zone on some adventure travels.  During those adventures, ideas were collected and awesome itineraries planned.  There are times I shake my head and say, “I can’t believe I just did that” and “wow that was so much fun”.


My travels have included be dragged “cave man style”, as I tell my husband (not literally), up mountains hiking with friends to enormous peaks, scuba diving with fish so huge they could eat me, and just plain walking down a cobble stone street in a foreign country.  Every time saying, “oh no, I can’t do that” and then accomplishing it while having fun being the adventurer.


On my many travels I have researched some interesting places and wrote out travel itineraries and travel tips.  So, I thought why not share them with all of you.  Sure all this information can be found on the internet and in travel books but who has time to spend and look them up.  Ideas shared on my blog are places that I found to be educational, interesting, useful, and just plain fun oh yes, after I have been dragged there.  Included will be some links to the web page or books that were helpful to me at the time of my research.

Sit back, enjoy the adventure and let me assist you with the planning of your vacation.

 Stephanie Griggs (1Adventure Traveler)


Please remember to follow me on Social Media for current travel information!